Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chau Doc to Phnom Penh

Dragged ourselves away from fabulous Chau Doc and boarded the boat that would take us up the Mekong - a five hour journey, including border crossing, into Cambodia and on to Phnom Penh.

The scenery along the way was amazing. We passed entire villages literally floating on the Mekong, saw people bathing in the Mekong, saw people bathing their cows in the Mekong!

Not long into our journey we docked at the Vietnamese passport control wharf and were told to alight while visas and passports were checked. We then reloaded and after a couple of minutes, pulled up at the Cambodian passport control wharf where we once again were instructed to alight for checking. The photos below say it all! Such different worlds yet only meters apart. Never before have we experienced anything like this - something we'll never forget!

Arrived in Phnom Penh just after lunch and it was love at first sight - such beautiful people and a real vibe about the place. Enjoyed the central market and paid a visit to the Foreign Correspondents' Club (the done thing). We learned that you don't have to wander too far from the main drag to see the real Phnom Penh. This is one amazing place.

Made a real connection with a Tuk-Tuk driver (Nin) who took us on a bit of a tour of the city by night - wow...

Arranged for Nin to meet us first thing next day to help us see some sights.

Spent the next day exploring the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, then on to The Killing Fields (a little way outside of town - like Auschwitz, a place that makes you shake your head in dismay) and to Tuol Sleng (S-21) Prison (from where people were taken to The Killing Fields). A massive, sad day. How any human being could treat another human being like that is beyond belief. And yet they are so gentle and happy...

Enjoyed a final evening in Phnom Penh. Don't want to leave. This is a fabulous city!

Cambodian Village

Kampong Tomh - on way to Siem Reap

Last Drink at the FCC

Our Tuk-Tuk friend Nin

With Bou Meng - S-21 Survivor

View from our Tuk-Tuk - on way to The Killing Fields

At the Royal Palace - Phnom Penh

Street Market - Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh Street - Monks in Background

Monday, March 26, 2012

Can Tho to Chau Doc

While in Can Tho we managed to negotiate with a local for a car and boat combo to take us to the floating markets about 20km outside of Can Tho and then on to our next destination - Chau Doc.

True to their word, our driver met us at 7.00 at our hotel and took us to a small village where we met our boat driver. We boarded our boat (which looked like it had seen better days!) and headed up the Mekong. Before too long we were at the absolutely brilliant floating markets. We had specifically asked not to go to the market where all the tourists go and we weren't disappointed - this was a market for local people going about their daily lives. At one point, our driver bought a pineapple from a stall holder and then spent about 10 minutes peeling and beautifully preparing the fruit for us. All looked great until, half way through, he washed his knife in the Mekong! He had gone to so much trouble - what could we say...? Anyway - the pineapple was beautiful and we're still alive.

Eventually made it back to land and our car, which took us on our three hour journey, through amazing little villages, to Chau Doc - very close to the border between Vietnam and Cambodia.

Spent the afternoon exploring the town - particularly enjoying the markets. Our hotel is right on the river and a beautiful place from which to observe Mekong Delta life.

Tomorrow we jump on a boat up the Mekong and across the border into Cambodia. Next stop - Phnom Penh.

Chau Doc Market

View from our balcony - Chau Doc

Beautiful fruit

Floating markets

Our private boat trip to the floating markets

Saigon to Can Tho

After a brief stop in Saigon we made our way to the Mekong Delta. Managed to negotiate the plethora of buses leaving the city from the bustling bus stop and boarded the local bus to Can Tho. We really enjoyed the fantastic sights along the way - rice paddies, water buffalo, crazy little villages.

We had looked at the town of Can Tho on google maps while still in Saigon and had a really good idea of where the bus station was in relation to our hotel. Not far at all. It was, therefore, quite a surprise when our bus stopped in the middle of nowhere and the conductor told us 'Can Tho - you get off here'. 'Hmmm... It didn't look like this on the map,' we said to each other as we alighted and grabbed our packs from under the bus. We needn't have worried, though, because in typical Vietnamese style everything was organized and a courtesy van soon turned up to take us the last few kilometers into town and straight to our door.

Enjoyed spending the afternoon exploring Can Tho - a lovely town right on the Mekong. Had a beautiful meal at a restaurant by the river. Love this food! Love this country.

Friday, March 23, 2012

On our way - Just!

In our typical JIT (Just in Time) style we made it onto the plane. Not our fault! Traffic... Queues... Just sayin'.

The sign may have read 'flight closed' as we boarded... Poor Phil!

Anyway - here we are in sunny, hot Darwin. Had lunch with our friend Pete at the Trailer Boat Club and are now killing some time before heading to the international terminal. Next stop Saigon!